Marlene Fuentes and Germán Kleinknecht, founders
On July of year 2006, german restaurant Tante Marlene was founded, as a way in which their founders, mr. Germán Kleinknecht and Tante Marlene, could transmit their passion for gastronomy and their attempts in rescuing and showcasing it.
With the merging of old family recipes coming from south Germany, local specialities and the talented hand of our chef, the restaurant has offered steady quality for many years. On the beginning, it was located near Curacaví, a mid-sized town west of Santiago. A couple years after, it moved to a large and old house located in the intersection of Miguel Claro and Santa Isabel streets. Today, with a renewed proposal, happier, less formal and located in the Vitacura neighborhood, it offers the same kind of classic dishes and innovative sandwiches. This place took the temporary name of Biergeist, but after some time we understood that our value lies in tradition and experience, so we came back to our roots to be named Tante Marlene again.
Today, this special place is an tribute to our founder, Germán Kleinknecht, and his love for perfect flavors and high quality food and service, and whose memory we try to perpetuate through each one of our meals and services.