Our Food Menu
Discover the experience of southern Germany's culinary through our Food Menu. Sauerbraten, Spätzle, Bratkartoffeln, sausages and much more!
Our Dinks and Sandwich Menu
We offer a wide variety of german and chilean beers of different kinds like wheat beer, lager, pilsner among other specialities.
In the image, the great bavarian beer Erdinger Weißbier.
Our History
We come from a centennial tradition and from immigration of their exponents to the country. Our main reason of existence is to be able to share the german culture and its delicious gastronomy with the world.
Marlene Fuentes — Gastronomin
Learn more about our history and our great chef and founder Marlene Fuentes in this portrait published in German in the weekly magazine Cóndor.
Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Geschichte und unsere Meisterköchin und Gründerin Marlene Fuentes in diesem Porträt, das in der Wochenzeitung Cóndor auf Deutsch veröffentlicht wurde.